Lawsuits have been filed for premature babies who were fed Similac NeoSure baby formula and developed Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC), a life-threatening intestinal disease.
What You Can Do & How We Can Help
The Schmidt Firm, PLLC is currently accepting Similac NeoSure Infant Formula induced injury cases in all 50 states. If your baby was diagnosed with Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC), you should contact our lawyers immediately for a free case consultation. Please use the form below to contact our Baby Formula Litigation Group or call toll free 24 hours a day at (866) 920-0753.
What is Similac NeoSure?
Similac® NeoSure® is a baby formula that is specifically designed for babies who premature or low-birth-weight. It is advertised as the “#1 Premature Infant Formula Brand” and the #1 brand fed in the NICU.
NeoSure Label Fails to Mention Deadly Risk of NEC
Similac NeoSure is manufactured by Abbott Nutrition. Unfortunately, Abbott’s advertisements for NeoSure fail to warn parents and caregivers that pre-term babies have a special need for breastmilk.
Furthermore, the advertisements do not mention that premature babies are far more likely to develop a life-threatening or deadly case of NEC if they are fed cow’s milk-based formula such as NeoSure.
What is the Problem?
Studies dating back to the 1990s have shown that premature babies are far more likely to develop Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) if they are fed cow’s milk-based formulas such as Similac NeoSure instead of breastmilk. Even so, the label on NeoSure lacks any warnings about the deadly risk of NEC, or information about ways to reduce this risk.
What is Necrotizing Enterocolitis?
Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) is a life-threatening intestinal disease that mostly affects premature or low-birth-weight babies. NEC causes intestinal tissue to die. It can also cause a hole in the intestine, which allows bacteria to leak into the body, causing serious abdominal infections. NEC can develop rapidly (within hours or days) and it often requires emergency surgery to remove the diseased part of the intestines.
Warning Signs & Symptoms of NEC
- Swollen or bloated belly
- Feedings that stay in the stomach and don’t move through the intestines
- Refusing to eat
- Not gaining weight
- Failure to thrive
- Excessive sleepiness
- Diarrhea
- Bloody poop
- Green or yellow vomit
- Trouble breathing, low heart-rate
Similac NeoSure Lawsuit Filed in Nevada
In February 2022, a lawsuit was filed against Abbott Laboratories Inc. by the parents of a premature baby who developed NEC after being fed Similac NeoSure in the NICU.
The lawsuit was filed by the parents of “K.M.,” a baby boy who was born prematurely at 23 weeks and 5 days, weighing just 1 pound 1 ounce at birth. Tragically, he developed NEC within days of being fed NeoSure while he was in the NICU at Sunrise Hospital in Las Vegas.
K.M. survived, but “he has spent the majority of his almost four years of life fighting a horrific disease caused by Defendant’s cow-based infant formula and fortifier Similac NeoSure,” according to the lawsuit.
The Similac NeoSure Lawsuit was filed on February 12, 2022 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Nevada — Case Number 2:22-cv-00273.
Do I have a Similac NeoSure Lawsuit?
The Schmidt Firm, PLLC is currently accepting Similac NeoSure Infant Formula induced injury cases in all 50 states. If your baby was diagnosed with Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC), you should contact our lawyers immediately for a free case consultation. Please use the form below to contact our Baby Formula Litigation Group or call toll free 24 hours a day at (866) 920-0753.
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