The bodybuilding supplement Tri-Methyl Xtreme has been linked to three cases of liver damage, which the FDA said were caused by dangerous anabolic steroid ingredients.
What You Can Do & How a Tri-Methyl Xtreme Lawsuit Can Help
The Schmidt Firm, PLLC is currently accepting Tri-Methyl Xtreme induced injury cases in all 50 states. If you or somebody you know was diagnosed with liver damage, you should contact our lawyers immediately for a free case consultation. Please use the form below to contact our Dietary Supplement Litigation Group or call us toll-free 24 hours a day at (866) 920-0753.
What is the problem?
In April 2015, the FDA announced that the bodybuilding supplement Tri-Methyl Xtreme contains illicit anabolic steroids.
Tri-Methyl Xtreme has also been linked to reports of liver damage in California, New Jersey, and Utah, with one injury reported in each state. No deaths have been linked to Tri-Methyl Xtreme.
According to the FDA:
“Products marketed as supplements that contain anabolic steroids pose a real danger to consumer. Anabolic steroids may have a range of serious adverse effects on many organ systems, and the damage may be irreversible.”
What is Tri-Methyl Xtreme?
Tri-Methyl Xtreme is a bodybuilding workout supplement that is sold by Extreme Products Group of Las Vegas, Nevada. It is marketed as a dietary supplement, but actually contains illicit synthetic anabolic steroids, according to the FDA.
Liver Damage from Steroids
Bodybuilders commonly use illicit workout supplements that contain anabolic steroids, which contain synthetic hormones that resemble testosterone and are used to promote muscle-growth.
Liver damage is one of the most serious side effects of steroids, according to the National Institute of Health (NIH). Many people who abuse steroids develop elevated liver enzymes, permanent vascular changes inside the liver (peliosis hepatisis), jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes), and even liver cancer.
In general, liver damage appears within 1-4 months of starting the steroid. However, it can be delayed up to two years. Over time, even mild liver injuries can lead to catastrophic liver failure.
If you used Tri-Methyl Xtreme and had any health problems, contact a doctor immediately. Symptoms of liver damage may include unexplained fatigue, abdominal or back pain, dark-colored urine, nausea, itching, jaundice, and other unexplained changes in health.
Other Steroid Side Effects
Liver damage is just one of many potential side effects from anabolic steroids. The FDA warns about the following risks:
“In general, anabolic steroids may cause other serious long-term consequences, including adverse effects on cholesterol levels; increased risk of heart attack and stroke; masculinization of women; shrinkage of the testicles; breast enlargement; infertility in males; and short stature in children.”
Do I have a Tri-Methyl Xtreme Lawsuit?
The Schmidt Firm, PLLC is currently accepting Tri-Methyl Xtreme induced injury cases in all 50 states. If you or somebody you know was diagnosed with liver damage, you should contact our lawyers immediately for a free case consultation. Please use the form below to contact our Dietary Supplement Litigation Group or call us toll-free 24 hours a day at (866) 920-0753.
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