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Neptune’s Fix Lawsuit

Neptune’s Fix Lawsuit

Neptune’s Fix, also known as “gas station heroin,” is a supplement that contains tianeptine, a drug that is linked to seizures, loss of consciousness, and death.

What You Can Do & How We Can Help

The Schmidt Firm, PLLC is currently accepting Neptune’s Fix induced injury cases in all 50 states. If you or somebody you know had a seizure, severe side effect or died after using Neptune’s Fix (tianeptine), you should contact our lawyers immediately for a free case consultation. Please use the form below to contact our Dietary Supplement Litigation Group or call toll free 24 hours a day at (866) 920-0753.

UPDATE: 1st Wrongful Death Lawsuit Filed Against Neptune’s Fix

In June 2024, the first wrongful death lawsuit was filed by the family of a man who died after consuming Neptune’s Fix Elixir.

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Christopher H., a 37-year-old man who consumed Neptune’s Fix Elixir he purchased from a gas station in Ohio. The product tested positive for tianeptine and two types of synthetic cannabinoids, according to the lawsuit.

FDA Warns Against Using Neptune’s Fix, aka “Gas Station Heroin”

In January 2024, the FDA warned against buying or using Neptune’s Fix, a pain supplement that contains the drug tianeptine, due to a risk of severe side effects like seizures, loss of consciousness, and death.

What is Tianeptine?

Also known as “gas station heroin,” tianeptine is an addictive drug with opioid-like effects. It is used as an opioid alternative, or to treat anxiety and depression.

What is the Problem?

Unfortunately, a growing number of people have suffered life-threatening side effects of Neptune’s Fix, including seizures, loss of consciousness, hospitalization, and death, according to the FDA.

Health Risks of Using Neptune’s Fix

Neptune’s Fix and other tianeptine supplements have been linked to severe side effects, such as:

  • Seizures
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Coma
  • Slow breathing
  • Nausea and constipation
  • High blood pressure and heart-rate
  • Hospitalization
  • Overdose
  • Addiction
  • Life-threatening interactions with other medications
  • Death

Neptune’s Fix Recalled Nationwide

Neptune Resources LLC agreed to recall all lots of tianeptine supplements, including liquid elixirs and tablets. These recalled products include:

  • Neptune’s Fix Elixir
  • Neptune’s Fix Extra Strength Elixir
  • Neptune’s Fix Tablets

How Does Tianeptine Work?

Tianeptine is classified as a tricyclic antidepressant. It works by binding to mu-opioid receptors in neurons, — the same sites where opioids such as oxycontin bind. Like opioids, tianeptine is highly addictive. Withdrawal symptoms are also similar to opioid withdrawal symptoms, including nausea, chills, and insomnia.

Tianeptine is NOT Approved for Any Medical Use

In 2022, the FDA warned that tianeptine is NOT an approved dietary supplement, and it is not approved for “any medical use.” Despite that, some companies are illegally marketing and selling products containing tianeptine to consumers. They are also making dangerous and unproven claims that tianeptine can improve brain function and treat anxiety, depression, pain, opioid use disorder, and other conditions.

Where Do People Buy Tianeptine?

Even so, Neptune’s Fix and other tianeptine drugs are sold in gas stations, bodegas, vape or smoke shops, and convenience stores, where they are advertised as mood-boosters or “cognitive enhancers.”

Tianeptine is also widely available online, where it is sold without a prescription under names like Tianaa, Zaza, and others. Internationally, tianeptine may be sold under names like Coaxil, Stablon, or Tatinol, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Tianeptine is not legally sold in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the U.K. or the United States. Tianeptine has already been banned or restricted by 9 states, including Alabama, Michigan, Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia, Indiana, Ohio, Florida, and Kentucky.

Do I have a Neptune’s Fix Lawsuit?

The Schmidt Firm, PLLC is currently accepting Neptune’s Fix induced injury cases in all 50 states. If you or somebody you know had a seizure, severe side effect or died after using Neptune’s Fix (tianeptine), you should contact our lawyers immediately for a free case consultation. Please use the form below to contact our Dietary Supplement Litigation Group or call toll free 24 hours a day at (866) 920-0753.

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The Schmidt Firm, PLLC has been recognized as one of the nation’s leading plaintiffs' law firms and handles cases in all 50 states. We are very proud of our legal achievements, but equally self-respecting of our firm's reputation for providing personal attention to each and every client we represent.

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