July 7, 2015 — Raw frozen chicken dinners have been linked to two outbreaks of Salmonella in Minnesota. At least seven people are sick, including two who were hospitalized with severe symptoms.
The products may look cooked, but they are raw and should be handled carefully to avoid cross-contamination in the kitchen. The Minnesota Department of Health warned:
“These chicken products are raw, breaded and pre-browned and often found near pre-cooked products at the grocery store, so even though the current labels state that the product is raw, consumers could mistakenly think the product is pre-cooked.”
Health officials determined that the illnesses occurred in two separate outbreaks involving two different strains of Salmonella.
Products involved in the outbreaks:
- Barber Foods Chicken Kiev: Four people sickened from April 5 through June 8. Product has stamped code of P-276, sold by many retailers and grocery stores. On July 2, the USDA recalled nearly 60,000 pounds of Barber Foods Chicken Kiev.
- Antioch Farms Chicken Cordon Bleu: Three people sickened from May 9 to June 8. Product has stamped code of P-1358, sold at many different grocery store chains.
Since 1998, health officials in Minnesota have recorded nine different outbreaks of Salmonella from breaded, pre-browned frozen chicken entrees. Three of those outbreaks occurred since last year. In October 2014, Antioch Farms Chicken A La Kiev was linked to six cases of Salmonella in Minnesota. Click here to read more.
Do I have a Food Poisoning Lawsuit?
The Schmidt Firm, PLLC is currently accepting food poisoning induced injury cases in all 50 states. If you or somebody you know has been diagnosed with Salmonella, you should contact our lawyers immediately for a free case consultation. Please use the form below to contact our Food Poisoning Litigation Group or call toll free 24 hours a day at (866) 920-0753.
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