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Technivie Class Action Lawsuit

Technivie Class Action Lawsuit

Our lawyers are filing individual lawsuits for Technivie patients who developed worse liver problems, cirrhosis, or suffered liver failure and needed an organ transplant.

What You Can Do & How We Can Help

The Schmidt Firm, PLLC is currently accepting Technivie induced injury cases in all 50 states. If you or somebody you know has been diagnosed with liver failure, you should contact our lawyers immediately for a free case consultation. Please use the form below to contact our Defective Drug Litigation Group or call toll free 24 hours a day at (866) 920-0753.


Technivie can cure 90% of people with hepatitis C virus genotype-4 (HCV-4) infections, but it is not for everyone. Technivie is not approved for people with cirrohosis, which is one of the most common side effects of hepatitis C. Technivie is also contraindicated in patients with moderately or severely limited liver function (hepatic impairment).

Technivie Class Action

Technivie class action lawsuits have already been filed, but not for people with liver injuries. These class actions are seeking reimbursement for everyone who was denied insurance coverage for Technivie because they were not sick enough with cirrhosis or fibrosis.

Class Action Lawsuit Settlement Amounts

One of the largest Technivie class action settlement amounts was a $300 million payout to people who were denied treatment by United HealthCare, the nation’s largest health insurance provider.

FDA Safety Warnings

Less than 3 months after it was approved, the FDA issued a Safety Warning about the risk of Technivie and a similar drug called Viekira Pak causing even more serious liver problems — especially in patients with advanced cirrhosis. There were dozens of reports of patients who suffered hepatic decompensation, hepatic failure, liver transplantation or death.

Complications of Technivie

Technivie can worsen liver problems, especially in people with pre-existing liver disease. Complications may include ascites (belly swelling due to fluid), hepatic encephalopathy (brain damage), variceal hemorrrhage (internal bleeding), or elevated liver enzymes.

What is the problem?

The Schmidt Firm, PLLC is nationally recognized as a class action law firm, but we are not filing a Technivie class action. Instead, we are filing individual lawsuits against AbbVie for people with liver injuries.

Technivie Liver Injury Risks

  • Liver scarring (fibrosis)
  • Inflammation (acute hepatitis)
  • Compensated cirrhosis
  • End-stage liver disease
  • Liver toxicity
  • Hepatic decompensation
  • Liver failure
  • Organ transplant
  • Death

About Class Actions

Class actions are a good way to get refunds, but it is unlikely that a class action will be filed for people with liver injuries from Technivie. The problem is that class actions are not designed to maximize compensation. Instead, everyone in a class action shares the payout.

Why Our Law Firm is Filing Individual Lawsuits as Opposed to a Class Action

Our lawyers specialize in filing lawsuits against drug-makers that fail to warn about side effects. There is no excuse for downplaying risks — especially to people with deadly illnesses who want to be cured. If you were injured by Technivie, we may be able to help you file a lawsuit. You could receive compensation for your injury, pain and suffering, medical bills, permanent injuries (scarring), and more.

Do I have a Technivie Lawsuit?

The Schmidt Firm, PLLC is currently accepting Technivie induced injury cases in all 50 states. If you or somebody you know has been diagnosed with liver failure, you should contact our lawyers immediately for a free case consultation. Please use the form below to contact our Defective Drug Litigation Group or call toll free 24 hours a day at (866) 920-0753.

Attention Lawyers: We consider a referral from another law firm to be one of the greatest compliments. If your firm is interested in referring us a case or for us to send you a list of previous award judgments and/or average referral fees, please visit the Lawyer Referral section of our website.

Free Case Evaluation

The Schmidt Firm, PLLC has been recognized as one of the nation’s leading plaintiffs' law firms and handles cases in all 50 states. We are very proud of our legal achievements, but equally self-respecting of our firm's reputation for providing personal attention to each and every client we represent.

No matter what type of case you have, you may contact us with confidence by filling out the email contact form below or calling us directly by dialing toll free 24 hrs/day (866) 920-0753.